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ITF Coaching Coaching the tennis coaches

Top quality tennis coaching is vital to develop players to the best of their abilities at every level. The ITF is focused on coaching the coaches, and providing support to our member national associations (and individual tennis coaches) through courses, conferences, online learning and various publications

Worldwide Coach Education

Every year, the ITF Coach Education programme works with an average of 68 countries to help develop and deliver ever higher standards of tennis coaching. We also develop programmes for our member nations who don’t currently have a system for certifying coaches. We provide qualified experts to deliver the tennis coaching courses, along with course resources in English, French and Spanish, and selected documents in four other languages

Created by the world tennis leaders

Our coaching courses are put together with the help of the ITF Coaches Commission and Coaching Departments of some of the world’s most successful tennis nations. As a result, they are of the highest quality – in fact, more than 120-member nations currently use our resources

Olympic Solidarity Programmes for coaching

There are three programmes designed especially for tennis coaches, funded by profits generated through the Olympic Games: 1.  Technical Courses for Coaches 2.  Olympic Scholarships for Coaches 3.  Development of a National Sports Structure

ITF Academy Home of online tennis learning

We created the ITF Academy for everyone interested in tennis – whether you’re a tennis player, a tennis coach, parent, sports science practitioner or a fan. It’s built on the popular ITF iCoach, which is part of a larger content library with an Education section featuring online short courses. It’s packed with a wide range of searchable content for all interested parties

Quality qualifications

Coaches who successfully complete an ITF course to the required standard are awarded a National Association certificate. These qualifications may also be recognised by Regional Associations

More about levels of certification
Find and attend a course

We work with National Associations all over the world to deliver quality coach education. Please contact the coaching section within your National Association to find out when the next course will be organised

Contact your National Association
Recognition of coach Education Systems

The overall objective of this programme is to ensure that the coach education being performed in our member nations is at least meeting minimum standards

World Coaches Conference

The showpiece of the ITF Coach Education Programme, this conference runs every two years and brings together the world’s leading tennis coaches from over 80 nations

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Regional Coaches Conferences

Regional Coaches Conferences are held every two years in Asia, South America, Central America/Caribbean and Africa, and annually in Europe. Featuring top-level international speakers, they focus on coach education for the top tennis coaches in their specific region and typically deal with a variety of topics from high-level player development to strategies for increasing tennis participation.

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Coaching and Sports Science Review

The ITF’s Coaching and Sports Science Review is a published journal of tennis-specific academic and practical articles for tennis coaches, players, fans, parents, administrators and scientists. The journal, published three times a year in English, Spanish and French, is free to download and covers a range of topics including sport psychology, physiology, drills, tactics, technique, biomechanics, and more

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