Other Reporting Mechanisms for Safeguarding | ITF

Safeguarding: Other reporting mechanisms

Other reporting Mechanisms

Concerns relating to safeguarding may be reported using the following methods:

- By email to safeguarding@itftennis.com;
- By telephone to +44 (0) 208 392 4701. This is an automated voicemail service;
- By SMS to +44 (0) 7786 200690. Include ITFSAFE in the message to receive a confirmation of receipt.
- In writing to:
ITF Safeguarding Manager
c/o Integrity & Development Department
ITF, Bank Lane
SW15 5XZ

- In person (at events). Each ITF event has a Designated Safeguarding Officer (normally the Tournament Supervisor), who has the responsibility to receive reports and ensure that they are processed appropriately.

All reports will go to the ITF Safeguarding Team and will be treated with the Strictest Confidentiality. Information will only be shared with those that ‘need to know’ if it is necessary to ensure the safety of a child or adult at risk of harm. Where appropriate, the ITF encourages concerns to be reported direct to statutory authorities (e.g. police, children / adult services).

Out of hours and weekends: You can also contact confidential helplines for advice and some of these for UK are listed below or you should try to find the equivalent service if in a different country.

UK Police / Ambulance / Fire: Call 999 to report an emergency.

UK Police (non-emergency): Call 101 to report a crime to local police.

UK NHS: Call 111 when you need medical help fast.


Confidential Helplines

24/7 help for children

Childline – 0800 1111

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) – 0808 800 5000


Suicide Prevention and Emotional Support – adults and children

Samaritans – 0116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org
